In my Sunday School class I have begun challenging our members to pray for one area of the world each week. We call it our weekly prayer focus and we switch it up each week to cover another area and another people group. This week's prayer focus is one that is pretty special to me. We are praying for Sand Point, Alaska.
In December, a good friend and mentor of mine, Alan Ward, moved, with his family, to Sand Point to take on a pastorate position. The state of Alaska is 95% unchurched and the island of Sand Point is no exception. My friend Alan's church is the only evangelical church on the island which houses approximately 1,000 residents, however, this population fluctuates with fishing seasons as Sand Point is home to one of the largest fishing fleets in the Aleutian Islands.
Since Alan has been in Sand Point, the Lord has been faithful to give him many ministry opportunities. Through the small Baptist church that Alan pastors he has been able to help the church members dig into the word by reorganizing their Sunday School times to be a deep study of Scripture. Alan's exegetical preaching style has also added to the depth of the church as he walks the church members through difficult texts during the main worship time. The Lord has also opened other doors around the island for Alan to share the gospel through conversations at the local coffee shop to working as a jail guard to hosting his own radio show each Thursday at 6:06pm Central time (3:06 PM Sand Point time). You can listen to his radio show where he shares truth with the people of Sand Point for a solid hour here.
Praying for Sand Point...
Kids L-R: Maizy, Allie, Haddie, Ryan, Aiden, Larken; Alan & Karey in back
(Picture taken in Alabama on their last visit home before moving)
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