Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More on Haiti....

The Lord has drawn the eyes of the world to an obscure nation called Haiti.  Below are a handful of the pictures provided by MSNBC over the past couple of weeks.  I chose pictures mostly with children because my heart runs to them first.  They are the future of the nation and facing utter hopelessness.  Use these pictures to focus your prayers for the people of Haiti to not only receive ample food and other resources, but to receive the gospel and gain an eternal hope through the God who is pursuing them.

Haitian girl cries with her mother

Boy is given medial care

Haitian boy washes in the streets

Haitian girl with her new family in Sacramento, CA

Haitian girl clings to a stuffed animal in a tent city


Lauren said...

have you heard anything from compassion yet?

Lynsey said...

They send an e-mail every 5-10 days but no concrete information. I would imagine it may be a while.