Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mother's Day....

The Tibbs sisters are in need of some help....and where better to get a little help than from the blogging community?  Sparing you the story and family drama, we were "chosen" to host our family's Mother's Day lunch.  There will be 8 of us including my grandparents, one aunt and uncle and my immediate family.  What I need are some food suggestions.  It is "tradition" that the mothers not have to do any work on this day and since Kari and I find ourselves kidless, it is up to us and a bunch of non-cooking guys.  Sooo, I am looking for some ideas for food.  We have decided to go with chicken for the meat due to cost and ease of preparation but we need some suggestions on how to round out the rest with side dishes and such.  I hate to do the boring normal so give me some suggestions that you think some traditional southerners would eat.....I would love to have your suggestions!

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